FedEx Driver who Killed the Son of the Federal Judge was Found Dead with “Self Inflicted Bullet Wound, An Attorney Found Dead in New York Monday was the Shooter, NJ Judge Esther Salas Took on Epstein Case Days before Deadly Shooting, 27 Cops To Protect ‘Black Lives Matter’ Mural’, #GOYA’s Success Shows It’s Better to Stand-up, Pepper Spray, Choke Hold, for Not Wearing a Mask, & Judge Brennan Jails Handicapped 15 YO


RE:  Sunday shooting in NJ involving Federal Judge Esther Salas, recently appointed to the Jeffrey Epstein case, has her husband, Mark Anderl, a well-regarded criminal defense attorney and son, Daniel, shot at by an assassin dressed as a FedEx driver (according to her husband), killing her son and critically wounding, Mark.

That’s the initially released story, but then on Monday, mysteriously in search for this FedEx driver, is found “suicided” by a self inflicted bullet wound. (Why bother with a FedEx uniform?  All he had to do was knock on the door and start shooting but nooooo, he pointed himself to FedEx???)

Now a third narrative appears that an attorney is the real shooter, has also now been found “dead?”

“Five law enforcement officials identified him as Roy Den Hollander, a well-known New York lawyer who has a long history of anti-feminist work.”

Q:  Anybody have the sense that something isn’t quite right with this story?  If not already “dead” will the real shooter please stand up and be noted!

A: is alleging that the FedEx driver is one and the same Attorney, Roy Den Hollander, with the “self inflicted bullet wound”!??


FedEx Driver who Killed the Son of the Federal Judge was Found Dead with “Self Inflicted Bullet Wound

An Attorney Found Dead in New York Monday was the Shooter

NJ Judge Esther Salas Took on Epstein Case Days before Deadly Shooting

27 Cops To Protect ‘Black Lives Matter’ Mural’

#GOYA‘s Success Shows It’s Better to Stand-up

Pepper Spray, Choke Hold, for Not Wearing a Mask

The Common Sense Show Despicable Judge Brennan Jails Handicapped 15 YO for Incomplete Homework


11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,

but rather expose them.

{Ephesian 5:11}

Jesus Christ is the answer to all of our problems.  Are you saved?  Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

“I am the vine, you are the branches.

He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;

for without Me you can do nothing.

{John 15:5}

Pray to the One who saves man’s soul from eternal darkness separated from the giver of Life, Jesus Christ. Ask Him into your heart, repent from your wrong doings (sin) and accept Him into your daily lives. He is faithful; He is forgiving; He will save you.

Let Your Living Water Flow

Stay safe. Be blessed.




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